In some cases of sensorineural hearing loss, cochlear implant may be of benefit. The national cochlear implant programme is  located in Beaumont hospital.  Look up Beaumont Hospital for more information.

Speech and Language Therapy and Hearing Impairment

Hearing impairment can affect speech and language development depending on its severity and consistency. Children with hearing impairment may have difficulties in the following domains of oral language:

    • Understanding oral language.
    • Using oral language to express themselves.
    • Using accurate speech patterns.

The speech and language Therapist can assess the child and advise on the best intervention for the child. The Speech and Language Therapist works closely with Parents and Teachers and any other intervention team involved with the child. The Department of Education and Science provides a visiting teacher service for deaf or hearing impaired children and the Speech and Language Therapist liaises with the child’s visiting teacher in designing an intervention programme.
